Body sense is from touch, pressure, temperature and noumenon.
Comfort is the default body sense. Silk makes every inch of skin feel more delicate and soft with abundant energy, which can unconsciously heal body and mind. Silk creates a close connection with body and mind, forming a tacit understanding between body and mind.
「 里面 into」 · 2020 AUTUMN COLLECTION
素色真丝 Mulberry silk *** 上身柔滑,轻若无物。将体感与当下内在感知的融合,成为了***的沉浸体验。
The integration of body sense and current internal perception makes it a unique immersion experience.
真丝作为自然界最轻、最柔、最细的天然纤维,有着轻柔的触感,轻盈的体感,上身柔滑,轻若无物。将这些外在体感与当下内在感知的融合,成为了独特的沉浸体验。Real silk is the lightest, softest and finest natural fiber in nature. It has a gentle touch, light body, and a soft and smooth upper body. The fusion of these external sensations with the present internal sensations becomes a unique immersive experience.
砂洗真丝衬衫 Mulberry silk *** 舒适自如,出落大方采用了“特殊砂洗后处理”工艺,让面料表面附着有一层细微柔和的绒感。
砂洗真丝衬衫裙 Mulberry silk *** 体感柔和,光泽柔糯
时装恰如我们的第二层肌肤,是创作自我、表达自我的最直观方式。如果把衣服看作是我们的外部,衣服和身体之间的空隙就是内部。在体感的里面的理念下,AUM 运用了较多的真丝材质,人们常说真丝是女人的第二层肌肤,它的质感丝滑流畅,像女性柔软的气质,兼具亲肤舒适和轻盈透气。
珍珠缎真丝 Mulberry silk *** 亲肤保湿,手感顺滑面料具有微肌理效果,丰富的织物纹理,呈现现代出东方女性的灵感与细腻。
「 里面 into」 ·噢姆 AUM2020 AUTUMN COLLECTION