companyCANTO MOTTO 源于意大利,是由创始人FedericoDitadi(菲得利可)在1988年创建于他的出生地 —— 一个毗邻国际时尚之都米兰的美丽小镇Vicenza (维琴察)。CANTO MOTTO传承意大利艺术文化的思想,加以创新、创意的手法,透过精湛工艺的雕琢,其设计的卓越在于体现艺术与优雅结合的高端品味,让服饰与人产生一种心灵交流的状态。
CANTOMOTTO, was established in Italy, by Federico Ditadi in 1988 in his birthplace--Vicenza , a beautiful town nearby Milan, the international fashion capital.CANTO MOTTO undertakes the Italian art and culture thoughts and combines withinnovative and creative approach. Through the carving of exquisite craft, itsoutstanding design reveals the high-end taste, of art and elegance, producing asituation in which fashion communicates with the body.
Theyhave an excellent taste and they enjoy high quality lifestyle.
Theypay attention to ideas and they own a natural artistic character.
Theyare scrupulous and precise and pay attention to emotional integrity.
Theyare focus on business and they are pursuing high requirements of perfectionism.
CANTO MOTTO 传达心灵意境精神 · 蕴含高端品味生活· 传承意大利艺术文化
CANTO MOTTO 心灵艺术的旅途 Mente percorso artistico